Tag Archives: Quartz.NET

Quartz.NET, Castle Windsor – LifeStyle Per Job (Scoped)

If you have ever tried to use Quartz.NET (a famous job-scheduling library) with Castle Windsor (IoC/DI container) you might need to register a component whose life-style should be bound to the job itself (LifestylePerJob). There are plenty of alternatives available which all have the same characteristics – they do not work:

  • LifestylePerThread – does not reset the thread when running a new job
  • BoundTo<Job>() – does not support typed factories when resolved inside the job
  • BoundTo<object>() – does not support typed factories when resolved inside the job
  • Quartz.IJobFactory + LifestyleScoped – does not support typed factories when resolved into the job (the scope from JobFactory is not propagated inside the job!)

There is a “simple” workaround for such scenarios. You can use LifestyleScoped but you have to begin/end the scope in the job.

If you use the job itself just as a plumbing class where the work itself is encapsulated in a separate service (and you should do this) then you can simply inject both a service-factory and the kernel and then do the scope-work in the job itself:

public class MyJob : IJob
    private readonly IServiceFactory<MyService> myServiceFactory;
    private readonly IKernel kernel;

    public MyJob(IServiceFactory<MyService> myServiceFactory, IKernel kernel)
        this.myServiceFactory = myServiceFactory;
        this.kernel = kernel;

    public void Execute()
        using (var scope = kernel.BeginScope())
            // use your way to work with factories ;-)
            using (var myService = myServiceFactory.Create())
            // BTW: we have an extension method
            myServiceFactory.ExecuteAction(service => service.DoWork());

…the MyService class has all the dependencies you need and as you use it using the factory it behaves as the pseudo-resolution-root for this scenario. You might use the kernel.Resolve+Release in the job but I always prefer not to… ;-)
